Terahertz communication for 6G applications and beyond.

Our research focuses on novel multi-antenna transceiver system design for device-to-device (D2D) applications at THz frequencies. We emphasize a system design that circumvent the use of power hungry DAC/ADCs and complex baseband processing to achieve high data rate transceivers.

[1] S. Sangodoyin and A. Zajić, “Contributions to the Pursuit of a 1.5 Tbps, 2.75 pJ/b Terahertz MIMO D2D Communication System ,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

Radar systems for enhanced detection and tracking.

Our work involves the development of novel radar systems that enhances detection, localization and tracking of targets. We also investigate feature extraction as a means to differentiate between targets, thereby improving detection. Work done in this area varies from remote monitoring of human vital signs to tracking of test subjects in densely congested indoor environment to outdoor environment (with sparse scatterers). We develop super-resolution signal processing and machine learning algorithms to achieve various detection and tracking objective.

[2] S. Sangodoyin , J. Salmi, S. Niranjayan and A. F. Molisch, “Real-time Ultrawideband MIMO Channel Sounding,” in Proc. 6th EuCAP, Prague, Czech Republic, May. 2012, pp. 2303-230

 [3] J. Salmi, S. Sangodoyin  and A. F. Molisch, “High Resolution Parameter Estimation for Ultra-Wideband MIMO Radar,” IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signal, Systems and Computers, 2010